Christian Education
Christian Education Division promotes teaching and learning that causes Christians to develop, grow and mature in their faith in Christ, experience and knowledege of God’s word; and develops them into the image of Christ according to Ephesians 4:11-16 and 2 Timothy 3:15-17
The following departments are currently offered: Bible School, Children’s/Junior Church, Scholarship, Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School (VBS).
Bible School
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Faith Deliverance Worship Center, Inc Bible School is designed to provide biblical, doctrinal and practical training to Christians. Our aim is to equip individuals for worship, edification, service, and leadership that they may fully mature in Christ and effectively minister to each other and the world. Although the classes are designed primarily for saved individuals, the unsaved are welcomed to attend in order to win souls unto Christ.
This ministry will nurture and provide Christian education for all ages that each person may grow in their faith in Christ. The Holy Bible is the only inspired, infallible and authoritative word of God. The Holy Scriptures will serve as the primary resource and foundation that we use in teaching a variety studies during the week in church and occasionally in home Bible study groups.
Children’s Church/Junior Church
Isaiah 54:13, “And all your children shall be taught of the Lord: and great shall be the peace of your children.”
Ministry Goals:
- To provide the opportunity for children (2-9 years) to have the word of God systematically ministered to them on their level, (teaching, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
- To provide the opportunity for children to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord, (Salvation, Mark 10:15)
- To provide the opportunity for children to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth, (praise and worship, John 4:23-24)
- To assist in the development and training of the children in the areas of stewardship, discipleship, building their self esteem and Christian character, (Christian growth, Colossians 1:10)
- To provide an opportunity for children to work together and to minister to each other, (Edification, Romans 14:19)
The Scholarship Department is to show the love of Christ to the young adults who desire to continue their post high school education. In ths regard, each member of the department as well as the congregation, seek toencourage our young adults to continue pursing what the Lord has laid on their hearts. Most importantly, this department will give financial, emotional, and spiritual support to those pursing secular education. Through these and other creative methods, the scholarship departure will clearly demonstrate the sincere interest of the church, and show love for our young adults by helping them to discover and fullfill the Lord’s will for their lives.
Sunday School:
Sunday School Ministry is to foster spirital growth by enriching the membership in their knowledge of God; to seek to build a daily prayer life, Bible study and devotional period, and to foster fellowship among the membership. Sunday School Ministry is to do this through various levels of educational division and ages, nursery (from birth to two), children/Junior (from two to twelve), youth (from twelve to seventeen), young adults (from eighteen to thirty-five), adults (thirty-six to sixty four) and seniors (from sixty-five and up).
Vacation Bible school:
Vacation Bible School, is to provide intensives Bible study, training, and enhance Christian educational learning (craft, stories, skits, music. etc) for all students in a very short time.