
Deacon Larry Kelley

Director of Men’s Ministry


Phone: (609) 239-8722

Men’s Ministry

This ministry will be under the deacons. The purpose of this ministry is (1) to help men between the ages of eighteen and up towards building strong positive relationship with God, his family, community of men, the body of Christ and himself, (2) to take more of an active leadership role in their homes, church and communities, (3) to cultivate a love for the Scriptures, (4) to evangelize unsaved men, and (5) to cultivate a big brother relationship with our children, particularly children of single parents.

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry is to organize a group of women who understand and can meet the total needs of various women through seminars, workshops, group dynamics, instructions and modeling according to Titus 2:3-5. This ministry will address the needs of all women in the church eighteen and up.


Hospitality Ministry, is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the body of Christ to provide an open hand, heart, head, house and a warm welcome for those in need of food and lodging. The Random House College Dictionary says the quality or disposition of receiving and greeting guest and strangers in a warm, friendly or generous way.

Hospitality, has a threefold purpose:

  • to build bridges of Christian fellowship, communication and interaction between the membership
  • to coordinate new members into the life of the church and the body of Christ
  • to assist in visitation of visitors
  • to build bridges along the lines of racial and cultural harmony, unity and acceptances