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Pastor Linda DeSeignora - Faith Deliverance Worship Center

Pastor Linda M. DeSeignora

Reverend Linda M. DeSeignora is an ordained minister of the Gospel. She is the Pastor of Faith Deliverance Worship, Inc. in Burlington, New Jersey since 2015. Pastor DeSeignora made her decision for Jesus Christ at the age of 23 and is committed to serving the Lord faithfully.

She has served in various ministries at Faith Deliverance Worship Center: President of the Usher Board; Sunday School Teacher; Co-Chairperson of the Deacon Board; Overseeing the Intercessory and Strategic prayer ministries which, under the anointing and direction of the Holy Spirit have reached to higher and deeper depths. Divisional Leader of the Worship division and is currently and officer on the Executive Board of the church.

She was a member of Christian Women’s Seminars Inc. of Burlington New Jersey, a non- denominational ministry formed for the purpose of instructing, encouraging and equipping women in their daily life, Christian walk and ministries. She has coordinated retreats, workshops, prayer breakfast, and conferences.

Pastor DeSeignora prayer is to see souls saved and living for Christ, and that the people of God would know I Peter 2:9: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”

Pastor DeSeignora and her husband, John, have been married for 21 years and are parents of three girls, Jennifer, Jasmine and Zora, They have 4 grandchildren. Pastor DeSeignora works at the Virtua Health and Rehabilitation Center in Lumberton, NJ in the administration office. They have made their home in Burlington Township, New Jersey.